Fonts for Windows and Mac

Lagom font

Lagom Poster

Lagom family contains 16 fonts.

Do you find some of the contemporary fonts just a tad too cool, restrained – even arrogant in their appearance?Here’s something to charm your worried clients with – Lagom, a polite and diplomatic type family. Use Lagom and you’ll be able to...

Categories: legible, serif, slab-serif

Lagom Ultralight

Lagom Ultralight sample
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Lagom Ultralight Italic

Lagom Ultralight Italic sample
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Lagom Extralight

Lagom Extralight sample
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Lagom Extralight Italic

Lagom Extralight Italic sample
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Lagom Light

Lagom Light sample
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Lagom Light Italic

Lagom Light Italic sample
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Lagom Semilight

Lagom Semilight sample
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Lagom Semilight Italic

Lagom Semilight Italic sample
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Lagom Regular

Lagom Regular sample
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Lagom Regular Italic

Lagom Regular Italic sample
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Lagom Medium

Lagom Medium sample
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Lagom Medium Italic

Lagom Medium Italic sample
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Lagom Bold

Lagom Bold sample
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Lagom Bold Italic

Lagom Bold Italic sample
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Lagom Extrabold

Lagom Extrabold sample
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Lagom Extrabold Italic

Lagom Extrabold Italic sample
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